
Monday, November 7, 2011

Poor Men

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about the differences between men & women and in turn have been feeling really sorry for men (especially Josh during a certain time of each month). Sometimes I feel like it's just me, and I must be a total crazy. But then these funny little Pinterest finds make me feel better...and make me laugh really, really hard.

(This one is especially funny to me because lately, when Josh says something I don't like or I didn't feel it was said in the right tone, I say "Want to start over?")

(Minus the "Here have some wine," this one really got me. Too good.)


  1. so not to be a creep. but i randomly found your blog through blog hopping. I'm pretty sure we were in the same ward for a little bit at highland park. buuuut i just wanted to thank you for posting this! it made me feel so much better about being a total freak sometimes!

  2. I made Ben read this. He was only a teeny, tiny bit amused.

  3. HAHA this is funny! I especially like the last one. Minus the wine part. Instead of "Here, have some wine" it should be "Here, have some chocolate" hahahaha
